Terapi di Atas Rel Kereta Api

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Tak hanya di Rawa Buaya, terapi di atas rel Kereta Api (KA) ternyata juga dilakukan oleh sebagian warga Kota Baru Bekasi. Namun, terapi tersebut biasanya dilakukan pada pagi hari di rel KA jurusan Jakarta-Bekasi di kawasan Kota Baru yang berbatasan dengan Cakung, Jakarta Timur.

5 Foods that Keep You Thin


Take a look around any book store, and you'll find dozens of diet books lining the shelves. Despite their bright and cheerful covers, with their positive, upbeat claims, many of them are filled with information that promotes all the wrong messages.

Some Unusual Chakras

By Anthony Leong

Most people are familiar with the seven major chakras in our body - the Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and the Crown. Apart from these 7 commonly known chakras, there are some other unusual chakras, each having specific roles and functions.

Acupuncture Questions and Answers

By Kevin Doherty

Is Acupuncture Painful?

Most people who have had acupuncture would describe it as virtually painless or far less painful than plucking out a hair. The sensations that follow, range from nothing at all, to mild tingling, to slight heaviness or aching moving up and down the channels/meridians, to electrical pulsations in areas distant from the site of insertion. All these sensations usually subside once the needles have been in place for a while or are removed. The needles used for acupuncture are typically not much thicker than a strand of hair, do not draw blood and are solid, not hollow. Many people find acupuncture very relaxing.

Does Smoking Cause Acne?

Smoking is related to a number of harmful conditions from cancer and premature aging to less harmful but embarrassing conditions like bad breath and teeth decay. The conditions can be so severe that now in many countries warning messages are displayed on cigarette packets. Although it is estimated that around 3 billion die from smoking related illnesses annually smoking is still popular.

Fruit And Vegetable Guide For Creating Juicing for Weight Loss Recipes

By Richard Weirich

Before listing the best fruits and vegetables for creating juicing for weight loss recipes there are a few important guidelines to keep in mind.

Most important is to beware of sugary fruit. Here is a partial list of high sugar content fruits that you should consume only occasionally: Plums, oranges, kiwifruit, pears, pineapple, tangerines, cherries, grapes, pomegranates, mangos, figs, and bananas. Yes, these are favorites but they will hinder your weight loss progress.